Leather Dog Collar with Handle, Agitation Collar for K9 Dogs
This leather collar is a reliable equipment that could assure comfort to the dog and that could allow the owner to control the pet. This extra wide dog leather collar fits ideal for the breeds with a long neck.
Sizes: 19 - 40 inch. Weight of the collar: 0,410 kg
Leather Dog Collar with Handle
The leather collar for K9 dogs is notable for such characteristics:
- two-ply 4cm wide leather is greased that ensures the durability of the collar;
- the D-ring & the clasp of robust brass;
- the leather collar is worked up manually;
- wide use ability.

Agitation Collar for K9 Dogs
Great for the Big Dog in your life, this collar is designed with several features that make them ideal for large and strong dogs. The features include rivet & washer construction, strong and solid leather and top-notch heavy-duty hardware.This collar is made with handle for agitation work and easy dog control. This collar is extra wide (almost 1 3/4 inch) with leather handle which makes it perfect tool for handling large and active breeds. This collar is made of very strong, durable and soft, solid leather. No doubled up fillers or machine stitches which means the edges won't fray.
Leather Training Collar
Order the collar with neck size of your dog and you get this size and 10 cm for regulation. The dog collar has 5 holes for adjustment.